Kamora hore Pontšo ea bo-25 ea Mabone ea Machabeng ea Guangzhou (Pontšo ea Guangya ea 2020) e chechisoe habeli ka lebaka la seoa sena, e ile ea qetella e felile ka katleho Setsing sa China sa Thekiso le ho Romela kantle ho naha (Pazhou Complex) Guangzhou ka la 13 Mphalane. Sehlooho sa Pontšo ea Guangya ea selemo sena ke “Same”, e bolelang ho sebetsa mmoho le ho hatela pele, le ho ba sebete ho tobana le diphephetso le dipopontshwa.Sekala sa pontšo se fihla ho li-pavilions tse 19, tse kopanyang lik'hamphani tse fetang 2,000.Lipontšo li akaretsa meaho e bohlale, lisebelisoa tsa motlakase, motlakase oa meaho, meaho ea meaho, lisebelisoa tsa othomathike tsa motlakase, sechaba se bohlale, le theknoloji ea motlakase ea meaho e bohlale.Intelligent street light management system provider Zhejiang Umelink Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. (e khutsufalitsoeng e le: Umelink Intelligent) e tlisitse Zhaga Book 18 Interface light control series series ea lihlahisoa tse ncha le ts'ehetso ea UM9000 e bohlale ea tsamaiso ea leseli la seterateng ho etsa ponahalo e babatsehang ho sena. pontsho.
Ho phatloha ho hocha ha Sehlahisoa: Sebopeho sa Zhaga Book 18Lihlahisoa tsa lihlopha tsa JL-7khanya Pontšong ea Guangya
Pontšong ena, Umelink Intelligence e tlisitse letoto la JL-7 la Zhaga Book 18 interface e bohlale ea senotlolo e ikemetseng e ntlafalitsoeng ke k'hamphani ea motsoali Longjoin Intelligence (khoutu ea stock: 837588) selemong sena.Letoto lena le thehiloe ho Zhaga Book 18 Interface Photocell Light Controller series Products-JL-7series: JL-701A Zhaga Book 18 Standard Interface intelligent Twist-lock controller, JL-711A1 Zhaga 18 Interface intelligent lock controller, JL-721A1 Zhaga 18 Intelli Intelli Molaoli oa senotlolo sa Twist-lock, JL-712A3 Zhaga Interface intelligent Twist-lock controller, JL-722A3 Zhaga Interface Intelligent lock controller, JL-711N Zhaga Book 18 Interface Intelligent Twist-Lock Controller, JL-710 Zhaga socket, JL-700 Lock Controller sokete, joalo-joalo.
Nakong ea pontšo, letoto le lecha la JL-7 la Zhaga Interface Intelligent Twist-Lock Controllers le ile la bokana hang-hang 'me la hotetsa litakatso tse ncha indastering.Ha e le hantle, ho tloha selemong se fetileng, Umelink e se e tlisitse JL-700 Zhaga Book 18 Street Light Controller Socket, JL-701A Zhaga 18 Interface Intelligent Photocell Lighting Controller, JL-713A Zhaga 18 Intelligent Locking Type Controller le JL-711A Mehlala e mene ea. Zhaga 18 Interface Smart Locking Type Controller e qalile ka lekhetlo la pele Pontšong ea Guangya.Ka nako eo, ho ne ho e-na le tlhokomelo e ngata ea indasteri le letoto le tsitsitseng la baeletsi.Karabelo ea maikutlo a matle a tsoang 'marakeng, Longjun Intelligent (khoutu ea stock: 837588), k'hamphani ea motsoali ea Youlian Intelligent, e ile ea nka monyetla ka mokhoa ona mme ea nts'etsapele lihlahisoa tse ling le lisebelisoa letotong lena.Lihlahisoa tsa letoto lena li nyane, litšenyehelo tsa sebopeho le litšenyehelo tsa elektronike li ka fokotsoa haholo, 'me boemo ba ho kenya bo fetoha habonolo.Ha e sa lekanyetsoa ka holim'a lebone, empa e ka kenngoa sebakeng leha e le sefe sa Lebone la Seterata ka 360 Degrees.Ho na le maemo a mangata a ts'ebeliso, ntle le kantle., E ka boela ea kopana le litlhoko tse fapaneng maemong a kopo ea lapeng ka tlung.Ka nako e ts'oanang, ts'ebetso ea eona ea IP e sa keneleng metsi le eona e ntle.Ha ho bapisoa le lihlahisoa tsa li-interface tsa NEMA tse ka fihlang boemong ba tšireletso ka holimo ho IP65 ha li kenngoa ka tsela e eang pele, letoto la JL-7 la Zhaga 18 Smart Twist Lock Photo-Controllers le ka sebelisoa ka tataiso efe kapa efe ea ho kenya e ka fihla boemong ba ts'ireletso. IP66.Ntle le moo, Sebopeho sa Zhaga 18 se tsamaisoang ke DC se loketse maemo a fapaneng a motlakase linaheng tse fapaneng ho feta Sehokelo sa NEMA se tsamaisoang ke AC.
Har'a bona, JL-701 Zhaga 18 interface Smart Twist-lock Street Light Photocell Base, JL-700 Zhaga Standard Intelligent Locking mofuta oa Photo-Control Socket, JL-700 Zhaga segokanyimmediamentsi sa sebolokigolo bohlale senotlolo sa molaoli socket sireletsa caps, tsena tse tharo Zhaga The segokanyimmediamentsi sa sebolokigolo lihlahisoa esita le. o hapile setifikeiti sa tlhahlobo ea boleng ba DEKRA mafelong a selemo se fetileng.JL-701J Zhaga Interface Photocell Base e fetisitse tlhahlobo le setifikeiti ho latela moralo oa kemiso, bophara ba kantle, setopo sa mochini, sebaka sa ho tiisa, le ho ikopanya;JL-700 Zhaga 18 Standard Smart Twist Lock PhotoController Socket e fetisitse tlhahlobo le setifikeiti mabapi le ho taka ponahalo, ho lekana le tlhahiso ea mabitso, torque ea ho kenya, le degree ea ho ikopanya, ha JL-700 Zhaga e bohlale Phocell Controller Receptacle cap e sireletsang e fetile. setšoantšo sa ponahalo, bophara ba kantle, le Teko ea mochini le setifikeiti sa ho emisa le ho tiisa bokaholimo.
Nakong ea pontšo, mecha e mengata ea litaba e kang China Light Network e ile ea etsa liphatlalatso tse phelang le lipuisano ka pontšo ea Umelink.Sebokeng sa "2020GILE Conference Forum-Menahano le Liketso tsa Bahoebi" se neng se tšoaretsoe ka nako e ts'oanang le pontšo, Monghali Zhu Xianghui, moetapele oa sehlahisoa sa Umelink, le eena o ile a memeloa ho ea Sebokeng sa "New Opportunities 5G + AIoT Era" mme sa phatlalatsoa. "Ka ntle e thehiloeng ho hardware e tloaelehileng "Single Lamp Lighting System Solutions" puo.Puo e qalile ka li-interfaces tse tloaelehileng tsa lisebelisoa tsa mabone a plug-and-play, lisebelisoa tse bohlale tse laolang mabone a le mong, li-platform tsa tsamaiso ea mabone a bohlale, le lipalo tse bohlale tse bolokang matla le ts'ireletso ea tikoloho, 'me li arolelane le bamameli lintlha tse tloaelehileng tsa bohloko le tharollo. taolo ea taolo ea mabone a kantle Ka nako e ts'oanang, e boetse e fana ka kenyelletso e khuts'oane ea software le lihlahisoa tsa hardware tsa Umelink.
Ntle le moo, ehlile, mofuta oa khale oa NEMA Interface-based Photocell Light Control o bohlokoa haholo bakeng sa ponts'o e phelang: JL-245CZ Twist-lock mofuta o bohlale oa Photocell Light Controller, JL-246CG Twist-lock intelligent Photocell Light Controller, JL-245CN Twist- senotlolo sa mofuta o bohlale Photocell Street Light Controller , JL-471CZ e hahelletsoeng ka har'a intelligent Street lighting System controller, JL-208 NEMA Photocell Receptacle Shorting cap, joalo-joalo Har'a bona, molaoli oa leseli oa Zhilian a ka boela a hlomelloa ka zigbee le NB-IoT tse peli tsa puisano. mekhoa, le ho sebelisana le UM9000 tsamaiso e bohlale ea tsamaiso ea mabone a litsela e ikemetseng e entsoeng ke Umelink ho hlokomela tsamaiso e bohlale ea mabone a litsela tsa ka ntle le ho boloka matla.Bamameli ba ile ba boela ba e-ba le ts'ebetso ea ts'ebetso ea tsamaiso ea UM9000 Intelligent Street Lighting Management system ea Umelink.Sistimi ena ha e kenyelle feela mesebetsi e mehlano e matla joalo ka bohlale ba lebone le le leng, taolo e hole, lipalo-palo tsa tlaleho, ho lemoha liphoso le alamo, le sistimi e bohlale ea taolo ea mosebetsi.E na le likarolo tse tšeletseng tse phahameng tse kang puisano e se nang mohala, tsamaiso le taolo e bohlale, sebopeho se tloaelehileng, ho boloka matla le ho sireletsa tikoloho, ho boloka litšenyehelo le sethaleng sa nts'etsopele!Sistimi e kopanya mekhoa ea morao-rao ea puisano e se nang mohala, Marang-rang le litheknoloji tsa komporo ea marang-rang ho etsa hore merero ea mabone a litsela tsa litoropong e be bohlale haholoanyane, e baballang tikoloho le ho boloka matla, le ka likhokahano tse tloaelehileng tsa tekheniki, e fokotsa haholo ho rarahana le litšenyehelo tsa boenjiniere tsa projeke eohle ea mabone.Hajoale, sistimi e sebelisitsoe mererong e mengata ea ntlafatso ea mabone a lirapeng tsa boikhathollo le litsela tsa Jiangsu, Zhejiang le Shanghai.Ho feta moo, tsamaiso e boetse e itšetlehile ka:
1. E rarollotse bothata ba mantlha ba "ho khantša tlhokahalo le ho boloka motlakase" oa mabone a literateng tsa litoropo;
2. Ke mothusi ea nepahetseng bakeng sa tsamaiso e ntle ea batsamaisi ba mabone a literateng tsa litoropo;
3. Amohela segokanyimmediamentsi sa sebolokigolo, e bolokehileng, e ka tšeptjoang, ho le bonolo ho e hlokomela;
4. Ke karolo ea bohlokoa ea Smart Lighting IoT kahong ea Smart Cities;
Ka mabaka a mane, e hapile Khau ea "Zhiguang Cup" New Supply Chain Integration Achievement Award e fanoeng ke Shanghai Pudong Intelligent Lighting Federation ka 2019.
Zhejiang UMELink Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. ke khoebo ea theknoloji e phahameng e shebaneng le tharollo ea tsamaiso ea mabone a kantle.Ke katlase ea Shanghai LONGJOIN Intelligent (stock code: 837588).Lihlahisoa tsa k'hamphani le boholo ba khoebo li koahela mabone a litsela le mabone a lipaka, mabone a Khoebo le likarolo tse ling.Sehlopha sa R&D sa k'hamphani se na le boiphihlelo bo batsi ho nts'etsopele ea mahlale a zigbee le NB-IoT.Ka nako e ts'oanang, ho itšetlehile ka k'hamphani ea motsoali ea Shanghai LONGJOIN Intelligence ho bokella lilemo tse fetang 20 tsa lisebelisoa tsa 'maraka le melemo ea phihlelo ea hardware tšimong ea taolo ea mabone a ka ntle, e tlamehile ho lumellana le tlhokahalo ea' maraka le ho tsoela pele ho hlahisa mefuta e mengata e pharaletseng. ea lihlahisoa tse bohlale le lits'ebeletso bakeng sa taolo ea mabone a kantle, ha e ntse e boloka matla le ts'ireletso ea tikoloho, e etsa hore taolo ea mabone e be bonolo haholoanyane, e be bohlale haholoanyane le e nang le botho, 'me e kenya letsoho ntlafatsong le nchafatsong ea merero ea mabone a kantle.
Nakong ea pontšo, mecha e mengata ea litaba e kang China Light Network e ile ea etsa liphatlalatso tse phelang le lipuisano ka pontšo ea Umelink.Sebokeng sa "2020GILE Conference Forum-Menahano le Liketso tsa Bahoebi" se neng se tšoaretsoe ka nako e ts'oanang le pontšo, Monghali Zhu Xianghui, moetapele oa sehlahisoa sa Umelink, le eena o ile a memeloa ho ea Sebokeng sa "New Opportunities 5G + AIoT Era" mme sa phatlalatsoa. "Ka ntle e thehiloeng ho hardware e tloaelehileng "Single Lamp Lighting System Solutions" puo.Puo e qalile ka li-interfaces tse tloaelehileng tsa lisebelisoa tsa mabone a plug-and-play, lisebelisoa tse bohlale tse laolang mabone a le mong, li-platform tsa tsamaiso ea mabone a bohlale, le lipalo tse bohlale tse bolokang matla le ts'ireletso ea tikoloho, 'me li arolelane le bamameli lintlha tse tloaelehileng tsa bohloko le tharollo. taolo ea taolo ea mabone a kantle Ka nako e ts'oanang, e boetse e fana ka kenyelletso e khuts'oane ea software le lihlahisoa tsa hardware tsa Umelink.
Nako ea poso: Oct-26-2020