Dawb Melamine chav dej muab faib nrog daim iav txee Combo

White Melamine Bathroom Partition with Mirror Cabinet Combo Featured Image

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Nrog rau daim duab slim, nws haum rau qhov chaw me me zoo kawg nkaus.Ib qho kev xaiv tshiab rau koj chav dej.tag nrho-dawb cov txee coj lub siab tshiab thiab zoo siab rau koj chav dej.Cov kab huv thiab yooj yim silhouette ntxiv elegance thiab yooj yim phim cov khoom uas twb muaj lawm.Boasts qhib thiab kaw cia 3 qhib rhawv khaws koj cov khoom siv nquag xws li cov phuam da dej thiab cov tshuaj pleev kom nkag tau sai thaum koj maj nrawm thaum sawv ntxov.


1.Finishing: Dawb Melamine, Ib puag ncig tus phooj ywg thiab Classy, ​​haum rau ntau yam xwm txheej
2. Lub txee dai khaub ncaws: dai rau ntawm phab ntsa txuag chaw thiab tuaj yeem khaws ntau cov khoom siv hauv tsev
3.Material ntawm txee: ib puag ncig tus phooj ywg PB (Partial Board) + MFC


Txee Loj: 150 * 120 * 580MM

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