Tuya 360 Degree Wireless Panoramic Tsev Security WiFi CCTV Fisheye Ob Txoj Kev Suab E27 Teeb Teeb

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

1. Khoom qauv: M-017
2. Input Voltage: 110-240VAC
3. Kev siv hluav taws xob: <6W
4. Khoom siv: ABS
5. Video Compression Format: H2.64+

Product Detail

Khoom Parameter

Tau txais cov ncauj lus kom ntxaws

Khoom cim npe

1. 360 ° panoramic saib, pom tag nrho cov duab hauv tsev, tsis tig lub koob yees duab, saib tsis muaj lub kaum sab xis tuag.

2. Professional fisheye lens, 1.44 mm lens, SC1135 Progressive Scan CMOS, panoramic saib, ntsug: 185 degree, theem: 185 degree.clear thiab ci.

3. Support infrared hmo ntuj pom kev, txhawb lub sijhawm video, loj tshaj 128GB ntawm SD cov ntaub ntawv, tsis siv neeg npog, saib video playback txhua lub sijhawm.

4. Real-time ob-txoj kev lub suab hu, maj mam tuav lub khawm hu, tom qab ntawd tham nrog koj tsev neeg tiag tiag.

5.Tuya panoramic koob yees duab coj teeb nrog video compression hom: H.264+, thiabPixel:100-300W, Hwj chimnoj:6W, nrog ob-txoj kev Lub Suab intercom, tsis muaj xov hluav taws xob mount E27, yog li koj tuaj yeem xaiv xaiv qhov twg mount, kom txaus siab rau tus kheej coj txawv kev zoo siab.

6.Noise txo dual microphone, 360°nyob ib puag ncig ntshiab sau lub suab, ntse lim ib ncig ntawm qhov tseeb txo cov suab nrov, tsis hais thaum twg thiab qhov twg, tsev neeg kev sib cuam tshuam zero nrug.

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Panoramic-kev nyab xeeb-hmo-2_03
Panoramic-kev nyab xeeb-hmo-2_05
img class=”alignnone size-medium wp-image-32016″ alt=”Panoramic-security-night-2_06″ src=”https://www.chiswear.com/uploads/Panoramic-security-night-2_06.jpg” />
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Panoramic-kev nyab xeeb-hmo-2_13

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • PkabMua odel M-017
    Muaj nuj nqi Ob-txoj kev Audio
    Hwj chim 110-240VAC, 50-60Hz
    Kev siv fais fab <= 6 W
    Sensor hom CMOS
    Cov kev xaiv khaws cia mdaim npav emory(32G, 64G, 128G), lossis huab cia
    Lens 1.44mm / Tag nrho iav fishery lens
    Video Compression Format H.264, H2.65 (yeem)
    Network WiFi (kev sib kis tsis tau (txhawb IEEE802.11b/g/n wireless raws tu qauv))
    Pixel 130W, 300W (yeem)
    Noise Reduction/Dynamic Range 3D Noise txo / 72DB
    Ncej tus nqi 15fps ua
    Motion Angle Panoramic 360
    Lub Teeb Mount E27 / E26 threaded lub qhov ncauj
    Video daws teeb meem 960P, 1080P (muaj daim npav cia yog xaiv tau)
    Yam tsawg kawg illumination 0.01 Lux
    IR nrug 10-20m (nyob ntawm ib puag ncig)
    Hmo Ntuj Pom Kev R-CUT hloov pauv, 5-10 meters (nyob ntawm ib puag ncig)
    Tswb Txhawb lub suab tswb, thawb duab
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