Chav Dej Fixtures & Kho vajtse

  • Woodgrain Melamine Under Pedestal Sink Bathroom Cabinet and Wall Hung Narrow Bathroom Vanity Combo with Mirror Decor, Custom Quantity and Cheap Price

    Woodgrain Melamine Nyob rau hauv Pedestal Sink Chav Dej Txee thiab Phab Ntsa Dai Chav Chav Dej Vanity Combo nrog Daim iav Decor, Kev Cai kom muaj nuj nqis thiab pheej yig tus nqi

    Niaj hnub nimno Wood Grain Collection Chav Dej Vanity Set.
    yooj yim thiab elegant Dawb ceramic dab ntxuav tes tsim nrog peb drawers thiab Chaw txuag chaw txee dai khaub ncaws dav Cia koj chav dej teeb tsa.


    1.Finishing: Woodgrain Melamine, yooj yim thiab classy, ​​Retro lub teb chaws style
    2.Material ntawm txee: ib puag ncig tus phooj ywg PB (Partial Board) + Woodgrain Melamine MFC
    3.Classically yooj yim nrog cov kab huv Ceramic phiab: Classical tsw, dav adaptability, yooj yim rau phim nrog ntau yam kev kho kom zoo nkauj, yooj yim los ntxuav, tsis yooj yim rau zas.
    4.Peb Lub Taub Hau: Ntau sapce khaws cov phuam da dej thiab cov khoom siv hauv tsev, ua kom koj chav dej huv thiab huv.
    5.Wall-mounted Cov txee nqaim: dav rau tuav cov khoom siv hauv chav dej.
    6.Soft ze runner: Tiv thaiv lub txee thiab txuas lub neej ua haujlwm


    Txee Loj: 800 * 450 * 800MM
    Phab ntsa Mounted txee: 320 * 300 * 1200MM

  • Retro vanity cabinet with White Ceramic Countertop Basin Unit  and 2 Soft Close Hinge Doors

    Retro vanity txee nrog Dawb Ceramic Countertop Basin Unit thiab 2 Mos Close Hinge Qhov Rooj

    Lub freestanding arc ceramic dab dej nrog ntoo grain countertop tag nrho ntawm retro thiab zoo nkauj cua.

    Lub teeb pom kev zoo no tsuas yog qhov koj yuav tsum nqa qhov chaw ntxhua khaub ncaws thiab khaws cia ntxiv rau chav dej me me lossis chav da dej.Lub inset paneling ntawm lub qhov rooj thiab lub plinth-style puag ntxiv tus nqi ntawm Fabkis lub teb chaws style rau koj qhov chaw.Txhua lub qhov rooj qhib kom nthuav tawm chav rau ntxuav cov khoom siv thiab cov khoom siv chav dej.


    1.Finishing: Matt Dawb Painting, Yooj yim thiab elegant thiab tag nrho-matched, rustic twilight kev zoo nkauj
    2.Ceramic Basin nrog ntoo grain countertop: Classical tsw, dav adaptability, yooj yim rau phim nrog ntau yam kev kho kom zoo nkauj, yooj yim los ntxuav, tsis yooj yim rau zas.
    3.Material ntawm txee: Ib puag ncig tus phooj ywg PB (Partial Board) + Kev ua haujlwm ruaj khov thiab cuam tshuam MDF
    4.Soft Hinge: Tiv thaiv lub txee thiab txuas lub neej ua haujlwm
    5.Metal handles: Yooj yim, tiv thaiv txee


    Txee Loj: 620 * 450 * 825MM

  • Retro vanity cabinet white bathroom vanity with single sink and 2 Soft Close Hinge Doors

    Retro vanity txee dawb chav dej saib iav heev nrog ib lub dab dej thiab 2 Qhov Rooj Qhov Rooj Qhov Rooj

    Lub teeb pom kev zoo no tsuas yog qhov koj yuav tsum nqa qhov chaw ntxhua khaub ncaws thiab khaws cia ntxiv rau chav dej me me lossis chav da dej.Ib lub pob zeb ceramic dab dej haum rau hauv marble-inspired quartz nto.Lub inset paneling ntawm lub qhov rooj thiab lub plinth-style puag ntxiv tus nqi ntawm Fabkis lub teb chaws style rau koj qhov chaw.Txhua lub qhov rooj qhib kom nthuav tawm chav rau ntxuav cov khoom siv thiab cov khoom siv chav dej.


    1.Finishing: Matt Dawb Painting, Yooj yim thiab elegant thiab tag nrho-matched, rustic twilight kev zoo nkauj
    2.Ceramic Basin: dav adaptability, yooj yim rau phim nrog ntau yam kev kho kom zoo nkauj, yooj yim los ntxuav, tsis yooj yim rau dye
    3.Material ntawm txee: Ib puag ncig tus phooj ywg PB (Partial Board) + Kev ua haujlwm ruaj khov thiab cuam tshuam MDF
    4.Soft Hinge: Tiv thaiv lub txee thiab txuas lub neej ua haujlwm
    5.Metal handles: Yooj yim, tiv thaiv txee


    Txee Loj: 600 * 450 * 800MM

  • Wall Hung Modern Bathroom  Mirrored  Cabinet with Soft Buffer Hinge

    Phab ntsa Hung Niaj hnub nimno chav dej iav txee nrog Soft Buffer Hinge

    Raws li nws cov phab ntsa-mounted tsim, daim iav txee yuav siv sij hawm me ntsis qhov chaw tab sis muaj qhov chaw cia zoo heev.Nws yog txawm peem rau nrog peb rhawv nyob rau hauv thiab peb dav compartments sab nraum.Yog li ntawd, koj tuaj yeem siv tag nrho ntawm qhov chaw cia los txheeb koj cov khoom.Vim tias cov dej tsis zoo, lub iav txee tuaj yeem muab tso rau hauv chav dej tsis muaj corrosion.


    1.Finishing: Gloss Dawb PVC, nrog cov cim ntawm Zoo yoog raws, tsis muaj tshuaj lom ib puag ncig tiv thaiv khoom, ua haujlwm ntev.
    2.Material ntawm txee: Ib puag ncig tus phooj ywg PB (Partial Board) + Kev ua haujlwm ruaj khov thiab cuam tshuam MDF
    3.Double Daim iav nrog sab hauv txee: Muaj ntau txoj haujlwm, Txuag qhov chaw thiab muab ntau qhov chaw cia
    4.Soft Hinge: Tiv thaiv lub txee thiab txuas lub neej ua haujlwm
    5.Hidden kov: Chaw txuag thiab zoo nkauj


    Txee Loj: 580 * 140 * 580MM

  • High Gloss White Finishing Bathroom Cabinet Ceramic with Sink Basin and Vanity Combo unit for Home Furniture

    High Gloss White Finishing Chav Dej Txee Ceramic nrog Sink Basin thiab Vanity Combo chav tsev rau Tsev Rooj tog

    Xaiv cov rooj tog stylish no los ua kom koj chav tsev txuag chaw kho kom zoo nkauj sawv ntsug, chav tsev no muaj qhov muag kaw kom txwv tsis pub hnav thiab tsim kua muag txhua hnub, nrog cov tes tuav hlau classic thiab muab cov khoom siv zoo nkauj ceramic.Chav tsev no yuav saib zoo hauv txhua chav dej.
    Daim ntawv teev npe
    Khoom siv ntawm txee: ib puag ncig tus phooj ywg PB (Partial Board)
    Khoom siv ntawm lub phiab: ceramic
    Tiav: Gloss dawb
    Loj: 795 * 390 * 800MM

  • Modern Arcuated Floating Single Sink Bathroom Vanity  with 2 Gloss Grey Painting Drawer Cabinet and Soft Close Runner

    Niaj hnub nimno Arcuated Floating Ib Sink Chav Dej Vanity nrog 2 Gloss Grey Painting Drawer Txee thiab Soft Close Runner

    Qhov no phab ntsa-mounted vanity ntxiv ib tug niaj hnub saib rau koj chav dej los yog hmoov chav tsev nrog nws sleek, floating tsim.Nws muaj cov kab lis kev cai ceramic countertop nrog kev sib xyaw arc dab dej.Plaub qhov muag-kaw tub rau khoom thiab txee hauv qab lub dab dej qhib kom nthuav tawm qhov chaw khaws cov ntaub pua tsev ntxiv thiab cov khoom siv tu.


    1.Finishing: Gloss Grey Painting, Yooj yim thiab elegant thiab tag nrho-matched
    2.Arc Resin Basin: Nyuaj, muaj zog cuam tshuam, tsis yooj yim rau kev puas tsuaj, yooj yim los ntxuav, ntau yam
    3.Four Drawer: Ntau sapce khaws cov phuam da dej thiab cov khoom siv da dej, ua kom koj chav dej huv thiab huv.
    4.Soft Close Runner: Yooj yim rub, ua haujlwm ntev
    5.Hidden kov: Chaw txuag thiab zoo nkauj
    6.Vanity Material: ib puag ncig tus phooj ywg PB (Partial Board) + PVC


    Txee Loj: 1000 * 500 * 500MM
